

If any of you have not completed reading either The Phantom Tollbooth or A Corner of the Universe, please do so over the break. It's very, very important that everyone check this site for their homework the day after we have class, so that you all have enough time to complete the assignments. Over the break, choose and read a book about either a holiday that takes place in the winter or a story about winter or winter weather. It can be a fictional book or non-fiction, as long as it generally involves one of the topics mentioned above. Please write a report on the book that includes the title, author, the plot, the characters names and descriptions of what they are like, and what your favorite part of the book was. Thanks! I look forward to hearing about what you read over the break!

Available from: Monday, 19 December 2011, 09:45 AM
Due date: Monday, 26 December 2011, 09:45 AM
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