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Topic outline


Grade 4 Program asw

The program builds upon mathematical knowledge children have already acquired, by deepening the topics of whole numbers, fractions and geometry. Children must have a thorough understanding of the very foundations of our number system, and the principles of arithmetics, and must be able to work comfortably with them, in order to succeed with their future mathematics. This is the goal of the Grade 4 program.

The basic multiplication table up to 9, will now be used to do more complicated multiplication and division problems with two and three digit numbers. A deeper knowledge of “place value” will be developed in parallel with division problems

Fundamental concepts relating to whole numbers will be developed.

Fractions as a part of a whole, and the concept of equivalent fractions are stressed. Geometry moves from the basic shapes that children have learned, now to the different parts of geometric objects - points, lines, angles, focusing especially on properties of a triangle.

All of the topics are presented with explanations, pictures, examples, followed by a student assignment of a variety of both calculation type problems, and many non-routine word problems, to develop real understanding of the subject.

Last, but not least, a special section with exciting problems and puzzles from different areas of mathematics appears at the end of many of the lessons.    zas

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