
Policy and Tuition

If we have any behavioral issue during the class we will mute the student. Than the student will be invisible by classmates but still could stay and lean in class.
Payment for the course expected to be made in advance of class’ start via PayPal
Registration, Evaluation and Enrollment are free. Read about the process here

Tuition. Each payment covers the first 10 lessons of a course $350. If the course is 5 lessons the cost is $175 and if the course is shorter the payment reduced proportionally.

Like in a regular on-site classroom we call students by name. All images of students are visible by classmates (no hidden images)
In case of unexpected power or network outages classes may get canceled without notice. All class cancellations made by SchoolPlus will be made up.
If we need we could sometimes invite a parent to be present during the lesson. In this case, the parent will not be visible to other students but could help his child.

If class enroll payment is due you can use PayPal payment below:

amount(no cents)
student's name
Last modified: Wednesday, 26 September 2018, 12:30 PM